The Future is in the Feature.

Savvy businesses stay up to speed with the latest VoPro VoIP features.

VOIP Services New Jersey | VoPro Tel

Feature worthy Features of VoPro VoIP

App And Software Integration For Cohesiveness

App and software integration for cohesiveness

Online Portal For Advanced Reporting

Online Portal for advanced reporting

Mobile and desktop app for easy access

High-tech Phone Products For A One Stop Shop

High tech phone products for a one stop shop

Drag And Drop Calls For Prompt Service

Drag and drop calls for prompt service

Caller ID Cleaning For Spam Avoidance

Caller ID cleaning for spam avoidance

Business Phone Number From Your Cell Phone For Professionalism

Business phone number from your cell phone for professionalism

Multiple Users For One SMS for Seamless Teamwork

Multiple users for one SMS for seamless teamwork

Call Queues And Callback Request For Customer Service

Call queues and callback request for customer service

Internal Employee Chat For Support

Internal employee chat for support

Custom On Hold Music For Satisfaction

Custom on hold music for satisfaction

Paging For Easy Public Announcements

Paging for easy public announcements

Call Queues And Callback Request For Customer Service

Custom and toll free phone numbers for individuality

Internal Employee Chat For Support

Ring groups for efficiency

Custom On Hold Music For Satisfaction

Fax to email for tech convenience

Paging For Easy Public Announcements

BLF buttons for availability

Call Queues And Callback Request For Customer Service

Employee training during calls for competence

Internal Employee Chat For Support

Hot desking for collaborating

Custom On Hold Music For Satisfaction

Custom phone to doorbell for efficiency

Paging For Easy Public Announcements

Call parking for compartmentalizing

Call Queues And Callback Request For Customer Service

Connect your existing system for easy integrating

Internal Employee Chat For Support

Employee reviews for productivity

Custom On Hold Music For Satisfaction

Ring two phones for portability

Paging For Easy Public Announcements

Intercom other phones for communication

Call Queues And Callback Request For Customer Service

Blacklist phone numbers for peace of mind

Internal Employee Chat For Support

Dial by name for customer convenience

Custom On Hold Music For Satisfaction

Billing center for easy account management

Paging For Easy Public Announcements

Hold time reports for optimization

Call Queues And Callback Request For Customer Service

Call length reports for data accuracy

Internal Employee Chat For Support

Call forwarding for time off

Like we did for Morris:

When Mr. Morris approached VoPro he had a very unusual request. He wanted his company phone to ring in one location for mornings, a second location for afternoons and a third location for nights. He was doing it all manually every day and was frustrated by the inconvenience. VoPro streamlined it for him. The change in ring location now happens automatically without any manual input.

Talk to Vopro about your specific needs

The how is just as important as the what

Same Day Support

Same Day Support

Friendly techs are available and accessible for all your troubleshooting needs on the same day.

Whatsapp Support

Whatsapp Support

For quick questions that need immediate answers you can always contact us via Whatsapp.

Hassle-Free Transfer

Hassle Free Transfer

Easy and fast transfer from your existing phone system so no time or work is lost in the transfer.


Knowledge Based

It’s not trial and error. Every answer and every directive is steeped in expertise.

“Response time is everything.”

The reason why Vopro works for our company is the exemplary customer support and unheard of response times. Because we can only offer support to our tenants if we have support of a solid VoiP company. And I’m proud to say that we chose the best out there so we can be the best in here. Thank you Vopro and team.
Abe. Kahan

If it talks like a pro, it is a pro.

Reach out to VoPro to join the many business pros that are already benefiting from our advanced reporting.
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